REVIEW- These Broken Stars

6:27:00 PM

It started well, and it was a good idea but overall too many plot holes and too much over-hype.

 My Rating:✮☆☆ 3/5

 Non-Spoiler Review
From the gorgeous cover to the semi great reviews I was expecting a sci-fi adventure that would blow my mind, and sadly I was disappointed.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi are one of my top favorite genres and this book while it had fantasy and Sci-Fi aspects it was mostly romance and it was quite boring at times. I felt like I was being forced to finish it and I didn't have much fun reading it. There were a bunch of questions that were left unanswered and the characters were quite frustrating to read about.
Lilac was really annoying and I know we get a bit of sympathy for her toward the end but I didn't care for her character much.
Tarver was an okay character I guess.
But I didn't have an emotional attachment to either of the characters so the only reason I kept read was to just get it over with and finish the book.

So after they are stuck so long and the FINALLY admit to their feelings the story goes a little flat and predictable. I mean come on people you're stuck on an unknown planet with things called the whispers tracking your every move could you get this over with already?

The whole reason for the planet being there and where everyone went wasn't ever answered and I was very confused by the fact that they never told us, they didn't get information from the dad and HOW DID A WHOLE FREAKING PLANET GO UNNOTICED by everyone?

Overall I think this book was just too over hyped and it frankly isn't one of my favorite books. It left me with a Mara Dyer ending and I definitely wasn't a big fan of that ending.

***Spoilers ahead***
There were many things I had problems with in this book, the fact that Lilac was really whiny and that they were both stupid at the end.

“All of it—for this. Leading us to a door we can't open, a password we don't have.”
Meagan Spooner,
These Broken Stars
Are you serious? As soon as I read that there was a keypad my automatic reaction was 'The password is Lilac'. I mean what else could it be, but his only daughter that he's completely obsessed with. But I mean it's like you want to pick a password someone from a rival company could guess and break in right?

 “Lilac won’t talk to me again. There’s a tremor. Lilac won’t kiss me again. I won’t hear her laugh. My lungs constrict. Why am I doing this to myself ?”
Amie Kaufman,
These Broken Stars

I don't know, is it just me or is it creepy that he slept next to Lilac's dead body? Dude, you have some issues. 

I started this thinking I could make a decent review but actually I'm going to stop here because if I have to think about the many plot holes and stupidity of the characters I too might start hearing voices and going insane! Much disappointment in this review but I tried. On to the next book!

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