Tyler's 2016 Most Anticipated Books and Reading Goals

1:56:00 AM

Well! It's 2016! The last half of 2015 was a bit of a bust for me, but I'm ready to have a fresh start in 2016! Here are some of my most anticipated releases and my reading plan.

Anticipated Releases:

1. The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan

2. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

Gosh I am so pumped for all of those books! (Even though I still haven't read the first Magnus Chase book. It's gonna be my first read of 2016 don't you worry!)

Reading Goals and Plan

This year I set my Goodreads goal to 75 books. In order to reach this goal, I would have to read 6 or 7 books per month. I really hope that this will be plausible.

As for my reading goals, I want to start posting more reviews on this blog. It really changes the reading experience when you read from a critical point of view, and I really enjoy that. I also would like to end 2016 by having every book on my shelf be read. Obviously I'll be buying books throughout the year, but I want to have all of them read by December!

Share your reading goals and most anticipated releases with us on Twitter or Instagram! On Instagram we are @ourstoriesareperfect and on Twitter we are @storiesareperf 
If you want, use the hashtag #2016readingTM - we'll be checking it everyday and giving some love to people who do! 

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