Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

12:35:00 AM


☆☆☆☆ 4/5 stars

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Well. That. Was. A. Roller. Coaster. Of. Emotions. The overall message I took from this book is that taking a risk to make a change because living an average (or not so average) life is overrated. Like the big bang this book is an explosion, an explosion of adventure, risk taking, and first love. This book begins as a cute contemporary of tragic and forbidden love and ends in an almost entirely realistic way if you can believe. The narrator was interesting and never gave me a dull moment. Though she has spent her entire life indoors, Maddy seems to just be in love with the outside world. Her nurse Carla was one of my favorite characters she was the mom everyone wants, and is a very special person to Maddy. Though they are background characters Maddy's mom and Carla were never left out and were a big part of the book as well. Considering shes spends almost the whole book in her home, it's not surprising, but I love the author didn't leave them without details and characterization. Olly is of course that basic teenage love interest, but I like how the author didn't over exaggerate their relationship and kept it quite reasonable and believable... though I don't entirely believe the Hawaii part to be exactly realistic, it was quite fun to read about and definitely helped in developing Maddy's character. Overall the book is a pretty quick and easy read, the writing flows and the story is very interesting to say the least.

Written by Makayla
My Goodreads Shortened Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1858751547
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