Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

4:22:00 PM

☆☆☆3/5 stars
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My short review-

While in my own opinion this book was slower than Shadow and Bone, I still enjoyed the story. It wasn't as action packed as the first book, but definitely full of new information and mystery. If you weren't certain if you wanted to finish the Grisha Trilogy I definitely think you will want to continue on! I gave it three stars because it was slower than the first book which I really enjoyed, harder to get into, and I had problems with certain characters. I thought Alina would have a lot more development, and she did at times but she would revert back to being weak and frail, yet she is the Sun Summoner! I also have mixed feelings with Alina and Mal's relationship, at first I thought it was cute, then it got annoying because they kept being on and off, but also because NO ONE TELLS EACH OTHER HOW THEY FEEL OR THE TRUTH OF WHAT IS GOING ON... Ugh!The Darkling continues to be my favorite character because I just love to hate him, no matter how much you want to believe he's dead and gone, you are still finding out new information and realizing how much of a complex character he is. I really just wanted some more character development and more world building, I know Leigh has done a fantastic job at world bending but I maybe wanted a bit more, especially with all the new information we are getting.  Overall I think I enjoyed reading this, it did take a while to read completely, as I am reading multiple books at a time but I'd say it was okay and sets up a great plot for the last book. 


Written by Makayla
My Goodreads Shortened Review:
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