Tyler's Top 5 Fictional Boyfriends

9:00:00 AM

On the Instagram for this blog, we were tagged to the #bookishboyfriends tag by the wonderful @jordz_the_bibliophile.  I decided to turn it into an entire blog post instead of an extremely long Instagram caption!


Percy Jackson is most definitely my ultimate book boyfriend! I have loved Percy since I was in about 3rd grade, and I can't see myself ever not loving him! He's everything that I could possibility want in a guy. Funny, loyal, loveable, and, if I'm being completely honest, extremely attractive. As you'll probably notice after you hear my other 4 bookish boyfriends, I have a thing for light eyes and dark hair! Although I want Percy all to myself, I couldn't possibly take him away from Annabeth. It's hard, but deep down, I know he has to be with her.

Oh Jem. What a gem? Am I right? Jem Carstairs is a beautiful human being. That's like literally all I have to say. He's beautiful on the inside and outside. He is so kind and loving. I thought Will was a jerk the first time I read the series! I'm definitely #teamjessa .....

Wow. Noah Shaw.
What can you say about Noah Shaw? 
Gorgeous just doesn't seem to describe him does it? He's smart, witty, h.o.t., and he's got a giant bookshelf in his bedroom. If that doesn't seal the deal for you... What will? 


First of all, I was rooting for Maxon throughout this entire series. I disliked Aspen from the moment we met him. Maxon was just obviously the better choice! He's so humble and sweet. He also must be very patient if he was able to put up with America.. PLUS HE LOVES PHOTOGRAPHY??? And he's just a cutie pie in general. 

Oh Dorian. My precious baby. First of all, remember how I mentioned that I liked guys with dark hair and light eyes? THIS IS ONE OF THEM. I mean.. As soon as the book said that he had "black hair and sapphire eyes", I was committed to this relationship. Dorian is not only SUPER attractive, but he is also sarcastic and funny. Dorian is exactly my type. 


So there you have it! My Top 5 Bookish Boyfriends! As you can see, most of my boyfriends fit the description of "attractive, sarcastic, and funny" and most have a little bit of a tragic back story.. Oh well! If authors are going to write such compelling characters, I'm going to fall in love with them! It's inevitable!
-Tyler | @perfectabeth__ 

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